Angel Voices
Just when life seems comfy and cosily predictable -
angels appear unexpectedly...
At the Turning of the Year
We gather, God of the changing seasons, as the year turns to deepening darkness... 
Blue Christmas Service
We light our first candle
a single light that the deepest
darkness cannot conquer –
small – insignificant
but a sign of hope...

style prayer Days of heavy clouds stifling the
sunlight the world burdened by greyness and gloom...
Come, Lord Jesus
We stand at the turning of the year – looking back on what has
been and ahead to what is to
for Light The nights have drawn in – long summer evenings are but memory; winter is upon us – and darkness surrounds us...
O Antiphons O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, Wonderful is your counsel and great is your wisdom...
The Gift of Light
Jesus walked among His people among people living in darkness...
Passing on the Light
(a favourite!) In the beginning, the universe was dark
and cold and the Spirit hovered and brooded and whispered "Let there be life!"...
Liturgy for Advent We live in a world
oppressed by sin a world of hunger
– pain – injustice...
Return of the King In his days justice shall flourish and peace till the moon fails...
Standing on the Edge We are standing on the edge: Our earth the blue-green jewel we call home
stands on the edge of global catastrophe...
Travelling Nativity We light a candle on the Nth day of the journey of Mary and
Joseph around the parish/ community… a light to welcome them to the place they will stay...
This is True... Is it true, Lord, is it true: that You, Creator of the Heavens, condemn Your people to stumble though life their paths shrouded in darkness? Is it true, Lord....is it true?
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down stones (Based on Year C Gospels)
Jesus asks, "Who condemns you?
Coming Home to
God: a Penitential Liturgy (based on the Prodigal Son)
have said to God –
“Give me what I deserve
– what is rightfully mine”
and when He seems to refuse,
we say that He has not answered our prayer:
Raised on
Eagles' Wings
Thus says the
"See how I have freed you from the house of oppression
and borne you as if on eagles' wings
to bring you to myself."
God who heals
Come to the Lord all you who are troubled and sad
Come to our Lord, who is tenderness and compassion;
the God who heals every one of your ills.
Liturgy of Awakening
In the beginning
In the beginning the
earth was a formless void
Darkness covered the face of the deep.
And the Divine Breath of God moved over the

Liturgy of Loss and Lament (Good Friday)
if it were not enough, Almighty God, Creator of the Universe,
that You should, through the power of Your Word,
call into being all that is known
and all that remains to be
Called by
At our Baptism, water was poured
over our heads:
and we were named
and became children of God.
of Jesus (a Holy Week Liturgy for Children)
We have come together to remember Jesus. |
around the Cross
When Jesus was crucified, most of his
friends and disciples abandoned him. Only a few people were there to witness the
last hours of his life. As they gazed upon Jesus in those final
moments, what did they see?
of Sorrows for the modern world |
We are
people chosen
We are people, chosen from our
generations to be Witnesses to the great Covenant that exists between the Creator and His
Creation. |
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Easter Day Liturgy
On this glorious Easter
We have come to celebrate
the greatness of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
On this great day, we
proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord
My sisters and brothers,
let us rejoice: Alleluia!
Emmaus Walk
Two "disciples" re-enact the story of the Road to Emmaus.
heard the Lord call my name
A liturgy for the Baptism of young people
of Creation
In the beginning, all was darkness
and God said,
let there be light"
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