A Liturgy of Baptism


This can be adapted to use in Mass or used on its own.
It was originally used for the Baptism of children but would be suitable, perhaps with adaptation, for adult baptism.


Those to be baptised are at the back or on the threshold of the room/ church with their godparents.
The leader (priest or deacon) welcomes those gathered.

Opening Responses

Leader My dear brothers and sisters

As children of the living God, we rejoice when others come to us

and ask to become part of the world-wide family of God.

Today, N.........is/are taking the great step

of being baptised into our Church.


They become part of a story that goes back thousands of years -

but which begins again for them today

as they are baptised into the life of the Risen Jesus.


They become part of the great People of God,

spread throughout the world;

they become the sisters of people in countries far away -

but it is the community here in ............

which has the privilege of welcoming them

and gathering them into the family of God.


My sisters and brothers,

N.......... is/ are waiting for our invitation to come into our community

and to be baptised into the life and love of God


N, N and N.........

we are proud that you want to become part of our community of Faith.

We welcome you with open arms.

We invite you to come to the altar

and to be baptised into the life and love of God.


We receive you as people who have heard the call of Jesus

and who are ready to become sons and daughters* of God.


We rejoice in the great things that God has done for you and will do for you..


N, N and N we welcome you –

in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  Those to be baptised come forward (simple music in the background)
Scripture Reading(s)
Receiving the Symbols of Baptism

In our tradition we use signs and symbols to help us to show what God is doing – especially in our Sacraments.

Today, we have asked people (children if it is the Baptism of a child/ children) who have been baptised to bring forward the symbols of Baptism for N, N and N and we all reflect on what they mean for us.



A cross is brought forward


On Good Friday, we thought about how Jesus died on the cross for us. But this was not the end of the story for Jesus is raised from the dead.

The cross is not a symbol of death but of life.



Oil is brought forward    


Oil is used to anoint kings and queens.

Jesus, our king, is raised from the dead.

We are also made special in Baptism by the Oil of Chrism



A jug of water is brought forward


Plants, animals and people need water.

Without water we die.

Water as a sign of life.

In Baptism we share in Jesus’ New Life.



White garment(s) are brought forward



Today we celebrate Jesus’ New Life.

We are all made new in Jesus.

These white garments are symbols of our New Life.



Three candles are brought forward


On Good Friday everything went dark.

today the light of Christ shines everywhere.

At our Baptism we all receive the light of Christ.


  Those who have brought up the symbols stand to one side, ready to hand the symbols to the leader as they are required
Leader We have welcomed N, N and N... and prepare to baptise them.
Let us now proclaim for them the faith which we are proud to profess.
Renewal of Baptismal Promises
Baptismal Promises
(simplified ones for children can be found here)
If used in Mass, the newly baptised can bring up the Gifts. Mass continues.
Closing Responses


We have welcomed N, N, N... into our Community of Faith

We rejoice with them, with their families and with their friends.

We pray that their lives will be happy and filed with the great things that God has promised to his children.

 May they walk tall and proud as Children of the Living God.




We have remembered that we too have been chosen

and welcomed into the Community of Faith.


We renew our Faith and go on our way

to live, to love

and to tell the Good News -

that Jesus Christ is Lord!


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