| Passing on the Light | Jubilee! | Music Ideas |
- Passing on the Light: Litany
of Waiting
- This Liturgy has been used as a school carol service with a
cast and congregation of thousands (OK - hundreds!) - and as an Evening Prayer with 5
people gathered. It is very adaptable!
- The Liturgy is centred around a list of
names (about 80!)- stretching back into the mists of time to the beginning when God said,
"Let there be light!"
- You may wish to add names - to include the
patron saint of your church or group, for example.
- You may also wish to reduce the number of
names - especially if this is to be used by a small group! Resist the temptation to prune
too heavily - remember this is an exercise in waiting - and showing how generation upon
generation upon generation have waited and watched as God's plan for the world unfolds...
- It is especially effective if you have people holding unlit
tapers or candles - and then, as the names are listed, the light is passed on from one to
another - until, eventually, a line of lights is created - representing the passing of the
light from one generation to the next until our own day...
- Alternatively, in smaller groups, use candles or tee-lights
with the names alongside - lighting each in turn. They can form a circle around the main
candle - ar a line from it. Adapt according to the space you have available.
- The "Scripture Reading" is set
within the listing - and is an adaptation of the Prologue to St John's Gospel. If you
prefer, you could have the Gospel read at this point instead.
- Music in the Liturgy - see ideas below
- A Gathering Song helps to start such a liturgy.
- You may like to intersperse the Litany with chants which
speak of the kindling of light
- A Closing Song should be celebratory - the Light has passed
to us!
It could sing of commitment - and confidence - and joy...
- The number of Readers can be adapted to suit
your circumstances - but bear in mind that such a long list could get very tedious with
only one voice reading it!
- The Liturgy can readily be adapted for use
with children (we know because Catherine has done it! See above)
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