Wellspring of the Gospel

Year C: Pentecost Sunday

First Reading: Acts 2: 1-11

There is saying, "When nothing seems to be happening, keep meeting." For many people - including Christians - the idea of more meetings is a cause of dismay. There are a few favoured people who thrive on meetings, but for many more there is a sinking feeling when they realise that there is another evening out -another session discussing issues - or going over the same ground - yet again...

What today's First Reading shows us is that sometimes, things do happen at meetings... quite astonishing things! What is the key? What can we learn?

The disciples have lived through part of the life - the death - the resurrection - the ascension of Jesus. They had experienced history-shaking events and then gone back to some kind of normality - but a normality charged with promise. They do the only thing they can think of - pray. But one cannot spend nine solid days in prayer - the basic things in life must have gone on. Meals - conversations - recollections of life with the earthly Jesus - prayer - reflection on their Scriptures... The ordinary round of life - lived in a small community of people coming together to share their understanding of the life of God.

And suddenly...

Suddenly through their prayer - this daily routine of life - the Holy Spirit burst forth - shattering the false foundations and whipping away the clouds of complacency. The meeting exploded into powerful activity and the disciples tumbled out into the world - to change it.

So next time we are in a meeting and call upon the Holy Spirit to come and inspire us... should we be careful about what we ask for?


What does it mean for me?

Waterlily When have you experienced a meeting where people have gelled and the sum of the meeting has been greater than the sum of its parts?

What characteristics of the pre-Pentecost meetings could you bring into the routine meetings which you take part in?

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