We welcome all kinds of help and support - but none
more than this one.
We know the power of prayer
The idea of being part of a world-wide community that prays -
earthing the grace that God generously pours on the earth and into the universe - is
exciting - not to say mind-blowing.
Please pray for our work.
It is a great adventure - but not a path we could have foreseen - and certainly would not
have chosen!
Perhaps you know someone who is elderly or housebound
- who is perhaps feeling that they have little to offer the world any more.
If so, please ask them to pray - not just for our
work - but for the many people in the world who feel that they don't have time to pray.
Ask them to pray for those whose problems have
overwhelmed them - and who have lost heart and the energy for prayer...
Remind them that they can act like lightning
conductors for the grace and love of God in a world that desperately needs them.
Remind them that the links between those who pray
are not visible -and cannot be measured - but as any contemplative will tell you - those
links are very real and very strong.
Let us know of your - or your friend's - prayer.
If the pray-er is not on the Internet - you may like to let us know their address. This
will, of course, be kept confidential - but would allow us to get in touch with them from
time-to-time (e.g. Christmas/ Easter)
and let them know that we value their prayer.
To contact us: prayer@wellsprings.org.uk
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If you would like more specific intentions for
prayer try:
Church Net UK Prayer Net