The Group book is suitable for use with House-groups. R.C.I.A.
groups and other Lent groups of all denominations.
It contains useful guidelines for leading Prayer and Scripture reflection meetings in an
easy-to-use format.
The material is ideal for those of you who are new to the business of leading such
gatherings - but we think there are many useful ideas for more experienced group leaders.
There is also a new Way of the Cross which draws Lent together into those final hours of
Jesus' earthly life and heralds the dawning of the new age of Resurrection
The Meetings follow the same
Opening Responses
Scripture Reading
Discussion/ Praying the Scripture
Scripture to Life
Where to from here?
Closing Prayer and Reflection
(and we even include little spaces for times &
what you need when-
we said it was based on our experience didn't we!)
| Showing the Way Individual's
book | Wellspring Resources | |