Wellspring of the Gospel

Year C: Trinity Sunday

First Reading: Proverbs 8: 22-31 

In this Reading we get a glimpse of the Wisdom of God somehow existing alongside God. As with so many aspects of Faith - and not least the teaching on the Trinity, we can tie our minds in knots trying to understand it. This does not mean that we should not try - but, having tried, sometimes we need simply to stand back in wonder and awe at the greatness of God.

The reading speaks of Wisdom existing before all else in creation - of one who delighted in it all and shared the joy of the Creator in the work unfolding at His hands.

It has been used to explain Jesus’ claim that before everything was made He was... “The One who was with the God - the One who was God” as John puts it.

The passage speaks of the mutual love and delight that characterises any loving relationship. It ends with a beautiful image of the relationship between God and His Wisdom - Father and Son - which calls into question the image of Father as One who can only be stern and judgmental:

“I was by His side, a master craftsman,
 delighting Him day after day,
ever at play in His presence,
at play everywhere in the world,
delighting to be with the sons of men.”

The Father is just and sets limits and boundaries -

but He also delights in the play and creativity of all His children.

One of the fruits of the Spirit is joy - the response to the good things that God has given to His children...

 What does it mean for me?

Waterlily How can you delight God this week by doing something creative - even playful?

  Text © 2007 Wellspring

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