Wellspring of the Gospel


Year C: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Exodus 32: 7-11, 13-14

 Today’s Reading begins when Moses is up the mountain with God. Problems have broken out among the people who have decided that they want a god that they can see - and, in a way, control. This may be their “god” - but they decide where it goes and what sacrifices it wants - unlike God who tells them where to go and what He wants!

God, we are told, is angry - and is determined to teach the people a lesson they won’t forget. He promises that Moses will be spared and will go on to make a great nation without them.

Moses pleads for God’s mercy - not for himself - but for the people. He reminds God of the great things He has already done for the people - and the promises He made to them. Having done all that, is it right to destroy the people?

Surely God’s mercy is greater than that? 

A few weeks ago, we had the story of Abraham pleading with God to spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah - “if there are ten just men...”, etc. Like Moses, Abraham had been promised safe passage - but, like Moses could not bring himself to believe that God could act unjustly.

 The link might be useful for us - especially in the light of the Gospel of the Day.

It is often tempting to ask God to let His anger go on people who have done something wicked - it would seem only fair. But the challenge that Abraham and Moses lies before us is - to call on the justice of God - but also his mercy.

What does it mean for me?


         Text © 2006 Wellspring

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