Wellspring of Scripture


Year B: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 53: 10-11

Lest we forget what becoming a servant in the Kingdom of God might mean, today’s First Reading takes us into the Suffering Servant song that is read on Good Friday.


This is the nature of the servant-hood that Jesus took upon himself - seeing in his willingness to give his life the ransom that will justify God’s people.


Suffering and death are the ultimate expression of his love.


Although the writings of Isaiah would have been known to the disciples, the Servant Songs would have seemed to go against all they believed about the Messiah. How can suffering - anguish of soul - and death be part of the building of a Kingdom?


Jesus realised, however, that it is not possible to extract from Scripture the parts that appeal and which make us feel comfortable. As in the Second Reading last week (Heb 4; 12-13), Jesus knew that the Word of God is alive and active - it cuts through to the core of things. It uncovers the secret thoughts of those who read it - and challenges them: hear what I say - not what you want me to say.


The challenge is to receive the Word in its entirety - the passages like today’s which confront us with the reality of suffering - as well as those which speak words of comfort. We need both in order to grow in knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of faith.


The story at the heart of redemption is one of suffering and sacrifice. For Jesus - as for others - there are times of anguish when pain is overwhelming. However, it is possible for Christians to set their suffering alongside that of Jesus -offering it to him as atonement for the sin of the world.


The path to eternal life inevitably leads through places of darkness - but the disciple lives in the certainty that the darkness will give way to light - forever.


What does it mean for me?

Waterlily How does this Reading help to show a deeper way of facing suffering?

How can we align our own difficulties with those of Christ and offer them as a living sacrifice?

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