Wellspring of Scripture


Year B: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 1: 18-22


Although this appears as one letter in our scriptures, it is, in fact, a combination of two - Letter A (Chapters 1-9) which was written about a year after St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians and Letter B (chapters 10-13) which was written a few months later.


Paul has been the subject of much criticism - not least because he had cancelled a planned trip to the community at Corinth. This had led some to claim that he was unreliable - and worse, that his message was not as authentic as that of the other apostles.


Hence, Paul’s insistence that his message is not confused and ambiguous - yes was yes - no was no. Even more vital was that the person Paul proclaimed - the Son of God, the Christ Jesus was the ultimate “Yes”. Everything that God had promised - descendants for Abraham - a Messiah - an Anointed One - all God’s promises were fulfilled in Jesus.


And so - when the community gave its assent at the end of a prayer, it was doing this through the Son of God Himself.


At the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, we have the doxology “Through Him, with Him, in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is Yours almighty Father for ever and ever. Amen.”


The “Amen” is called the “Great Amen” It is the affirmation of our faith that in Christ, God gave His ultimate “yes” to the world. The bread and wine we see is the sacrament of Christ’s continued presence among us. In this sacrament - through Christ - and with Christ - and in Christ, we are able  to give true praise to God.


It is a moment that all too often passes us by - and yet it is a moment where we stand in front of a supreme mystery - how can God become human become present in bread and wine? It is not a question of faith we can say “Yes - and no” to. Our answer has to be either yes, it is possible (even if we cannot understand how) - or, no, it is not.


Our Amen is our Yes...


What does it mean for me?

What is your response to the question: is it possible for God to become human to become present in bread and wine?

How does your “Amen” reflect your belief?

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