Wellspring of the Gospel


Year A: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 First Reading: Isaiah 55: 6-9

The First Reading complements the Gospel by reminding us how little we can understand God.

We are often reminded in the Scriptures that we think as humans - and that this thinking is, by definition, limited - but the image offered by Isaiah is perhaps one of the most powerful: the heavens are as high above the earth as God’s ways and thought are above our own.

It puts us into perspective!

It is also, though, a source of hope. If we could bring God down to our own level, it would be a very limited God that we would be left with - a God who also got confused - and resentful - and made wrong judgements - a God who would really be nothing more than a “super human”.

This was the kind of god that many people at the time of Isaiah believed in - and it is the kind of god we are tempted to believe in today. But God is not human. We  may have been created in God’s image and likeness but God is infinitely greater than even our wildest imaginings could conceive.

We can catch glimpses of the grandeur of God - but can never grasp the fullness of the mystery.

In the face of such a mystery, however, we have a choice. We can turn in on ourselves and live in the shadows of our own egos. Or, we can turn towards God - knowing we have little to offer but dependence on His mercy - and live in the radiance of His love.

Is there a choice?

What does it mean for me?

Waterlily What choice do you make? For God - or for your ego?

Text © 2007 Wellspring

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