Wellspring of the Gospel


Year A: Palm Sunday

Second Reading: Philippians 2: 6-11

The Reading could be used to explore humility and obedience - using Jesus as our example. But, today, and during this week, it can be used to draw our focus away from ourselves and towards the person of Jesus.

For this week, you might like to keep this Reading close to you. Try to read it a few times a day and, perhaps, even try to learn it off by heart.

Let words of it come to mind as you are going about your daily routine.

Let the words work their way into your soul so that you are sensitised for the events of the Triduum: the three days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday 

            His state was divine,
            yet Christ Jesus did not cling
            to His equality with God 
            but emptied Himself
            to assume the condition of a slave,
            and become as men are;
            and being as all men are,
            He was humbler yet,
            even to accepting death,
            death on a cross.            

            But God raised Him high
            and gave Him the name
            which is above all other names
            so that all beings
            in the heavens, on earth and in the underworld,
            should bend the knee at the name of Jesus
            and that every tongue should acclaim
            Jesus Christ as Lord
            to the glory of God the Father.

 What does it mean for me?


Which parts of the Reading speak of triumph?

Which speak of tragedy?

Text © 2007 Wellspring

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